Old Art
Old Art page written by Thea's Mom
From very early (toddler years) Thea has loved to draw and create. I have saved many of her pieces, and taken photos of everything, to keep and look back on. We wanted to share some pieces from over the years so we took a trip down art memory lane (so to speak) and here is a collection of some favourites.
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For many pieces, exact dates are hard to determine. I decided years ago to take photos of all the kids' art to save forever digitally, so we won’t be bogged down with the countless mini masterpieces. Unfortunately a good portion were photographed a few years after they were created. There are two pieces that had dates on them, so we judged from there when we believed pieces were drawn up to the time of having photos real time. Thank goodness for photo timestamps on cell phones. It is evident through the years how her talent blossomed and her styles changed.
2007 - 2008
2008 - 2009
2010 - 2014
2015 - 2018
2019 - 2021
In this section you will find two types of art. Some were created using her phone, and others her tablet. With each there are sub categories of Art Trade, Commissions, gifts, fan art, Original art, and original fan art.
PHONE: Thea was introduced to digital art by one of her very good friends around the age of ten. Once given an old iPhone she was able to download an app to begin her new artistic phase. She would spend hours on end creating. I worried about her eyes so much as they worsened. It was a struggle considering her mental health was worsening and it seemed to be quite the outlet allowing an escape. Watching her create was mesmerizing at times. Constant quick strokes across the little screen to get just the right line art. She soon began doing commission work for friends and random people who saw and appreciated her work.
TABLET: In an attempt to deviate from her phone I purchased an art tablet for her. She was able to do a couple drawings, but was not really able to work with it. Her depth perception for drawing with a pen on a tablet while looking at a monitor was not strong. It was put aside shortly after trying and barely picked up again. Early 2020 she was talking more and more about wanting a tablet with a working screen. Meaning you see what you are drawing right on the tablet. Yowza, they were not cheap! During the pandemic she was struggling to complete grade ten. Her mental health knocked her down (partly due to an online traumatic situation that happened within the first month of lockdown I believe) and I was willing to do anything to encourage her to keep going. That was when I found a sale on a really good tablet on Amazon. It arrived at the beginning of June, but was not given to her until the end of the school year. With it she has only gotten better.
Thea has many artistic talents, and one of them is painting. Unfortunately the only time she seems to pick up a paintbrush is to create a gift for someone. She prefers to give someone something from the heart that they will hopefully keep forever. One she worked eight hours on (collectively). It was a gift for her grade eight teacher.

Thea enjoys working with clay. It has been a few years since she created anything with clay, but here are photos of two clay creations.

One of Thea’s favourite school subjects was art (I know, big shock). For two years (ten and eleven) she managed to achieve 100% in the class. When she is able to use art in other classes as well she gives her all there too.

Since watching the Heathers movie and musical, Thea has been an avid fan. She loves the characters and especially music from the musical. When presented with a tableau project for Drama class after Covid closed in-school learning she asked if she could draw photos from one of her favourite musicals. The purpose of the tableau was to give the best synopsis in roughly ten frames. She enjoyed the creative process of this project and it shows in the finished artwork. Her mark was 100%.

Thea has, many times, cartoonized herself. Here are some of her digital “selfies”, from 2017 through to now.