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changes coming…

Changes are happening with how we run TheaArtsz sales and this website!

We will continue to use PayPal and Google Forms (with new item sales) for the foreseeable future as this has worked fine for us. Trying to get ecommerce up and running and not worry about hacking on this website is not something we have the energy to do at this point in time (joys of running a business while being disabled, you pick and choose your battles).

TheaArtsz Discord server will be opened for the public as of July 1st!! Social Media has become unreliable for informing people what is happening with sales and her progress in creating Stars Align. This was our next best alternative (it was this or a mailing list option). Joining the Discord will be the best way (aside from checking in here – the website – regularly) to keep updated and in the know! Thea has struggled with social media for a bit now and for her mental health she pulled back and that has left her as an algorithm enemy!

One exciting change is our past items (leftovers from previous sales) will have their own page here, and will be available by emailing with your name, address for shipping, email for PayPal invoicing, your Discord name and what items you would like. They will also be available during store sales with a space on the Google Form to add in the items you would like!

We will also be adding a page for upcoming/future sales items!

Store page will only have new items on it! Once the sale ends any unsold items will be moved to the “Previously Sold Items” page!

We are grateful for all who have supported Thea on her artistic journey thus far! We hope these new changes help make things easier and better for all!

Until next time…