Hello all…
Just wanted to give a heads up that invoices will be delayed starting tomorrow afternoon/evening into Thursday evening as we will be having a delivery of furniture and the area where my computer is (where I do the invoice making/sending) will be unavailable.
This delivery is 4 months in the making and we are relieved it is finally happening!
ALSO…we have to push packaging to this coming Monday going out for those who have ordered over the last week! We are sorry for this inconvenience and delay, but it is the whole living room which will be inaccessible, and without access to my computer and the living room we can not package orders or create the labels!
We could get them ready to go Friday, but they would sit in a Canada Post warehouse over the weekend, we would rather them be here and go out Monday at that point. Also, we will need recuperation time following delivery as we are today removing a couch and Thea’s bed from our home and having to set up her new bed (she has slept on a broken one for over a decade at this point, it was time for her to get a new one due to her physical health issues). We are getting a new couch because ours broke at least two years ago and sitting on it is causing us all a lot of pain (thanks to our physical health issues).
We truly are sorry this will affect those who have purchased/will be purchasing from us! We will email to let people know their orders have been received because we can do that on the phones.
Thank you for your time to read this, and for your patience and understanding in this situation!
Until next time…
Dated October 22, 2024