Hello all…
Many times we have had complications with customers not receiving our email correspondence. Considering this is a huge part of our sales we wanted to offer a solution. Safelisting our emails is the best way to ensure you always receive emails from us.
Now, I know people become annoyed and inundated with spam emails, which is why the spam folder can be such a helpful tool. Our emails are specifically sales related. This means, if you do not order something from us, you will never receive an email from us! EVER!
Reasons you will receive an email from us are as follows:
* If there are any questions about your Google Order Form submission
* To receive a PayPal invoice
* To receive a PDF copy of the invoice and a receipt showing paid
* To receive a link to our Blog for updates on the Pre-Order process for the month you ordered in
* If you did not pay for tracked shipping we will send a photo of your package with the label on it once it has been handed over to Canada Post
What will NOT be done with emails provided to us:
* Send anything other than to do with sales made with us
* Sell or give them to anyone
Please note, being old school (and we believe neurodivergent) I prefer working with physical items so information is printed out for clearer and easier access (Google Form as well as PayPal invoice and transaction details). If any of the printouts are no longer needed the paper is shredded and recycled. People’s personal information is very important to us so we are extremely careful to not let anyone have access to it other than us.
Here is a link I found that will hopefully help with the process of safelisting our sales@theaartsz.ca email going forth: https://www.whatcounts.com/resources/checklists/how-to-safelist-emails/
Thank you for all the support in Thea’s artistic journey!