Hey everyone…
So, we are always as transparent as can be when it comes to TheaArtsz, and try to also be when it comes to Thea herself!
We have never been shy regarding her health issues (they are shared on the “About” page of this website), and with that said there is a little update on that front…
The last few days Thea has been more tired, drained and overwhelmed with socializing. I had noticed a change, but figured it was her depression rearing its head to let us know it is still there.
She feels rather bad with her current inability to be social, and it has apparently been noticed in her Discord group. Please know, if she is ever apparening this way, it is her mind and body’s way of recharging.
With the upcoming overstock sale info drop, and her sharing about the pride pins she wants to sell soon, there have been a lot of questions and comments, thus causing a bit of an stimulation overload. She wants people to feel safe asking questions, but the same ones being asked multiple times is, well, a bit overwhelming for her.
What we are asking, is from now on, to please direct all questions (sales or otherwise) to me, her mom, at sales@theaartsz.ca. We know it is easier to just ask on posts, but if you could take a few minutes more and email it to me, or even direct them to me on social media (@unimportant1978 on Twitter or message on her TheaArtsz Facebook page) that would be fantastic! If in her discord group, just direct the questions to me, or send a DM.
The bottom line is, her mental health affects her physical health. If either are struggling, she is not able to do anything and that affects her ability to draw, and therefore offer pretty stuff to the world!
She is beyond appreciative of all the support, and knowing there is love for what she offers, means so much to her!
Any questions regarding this, please do not hesitate to ask 🙂