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March 2023 Pre-Order Update 5 (06-10-23)

We are so sorry to disappoint anyone, but we will not be able to have orders out by the June 12th deadline….

Thea’s brother has appointments coming up and my (Thea’s mom) body is needing to do things slowly along with prepping for her brother’s 13th birthday in a couple days.

We were aiming for Tuesday, even though her brother has two appointments that day and there is shopping that needs to be done for groceries (which driving distances – which his appointments are out of our city – and shopping take a lot out of me) I need to be sure to not overdue myself before outings that are bigger. Living with chronic pain (Thea gets many of her health issues from me) the spoon theory is a very real thing.

To make matters worse, Thea’s right wrist (her drawing/writing one) was accidentally injured this evening helping me take a shelf out of a box (needed for storing business stuff) when one of the pieces landed hard on it.

Everything seems to be against us to get these out when we wanted to (including an issue with prepping envelopes today).

Our new plan is having them picked up by Canada Post on *Monday!!!!

Once they are picked up, I will be making the final blog, and contacting anyone who did not pay for tracked shipping with their labelled package proof picture.

Again, we are so unbelievably sorry for all the delays! We do not like disappointing anyone…but sometimes things are out of our control, and right now this all feels very out of control on us!

Stay tuned…

* Edited to change day from Thursday to Monday, because time frame was not working to achieve that ship out goal, and being so close to the weekend it would sit who knows were until Monday anyway.